Tales from Watership Down (collection of stories form sequel to classic animal world fantasy)
Anderson, Kevin J/Beason, Doug
Ignition (US_Russia astronaut team is on launch pad, but held hostage by terrorists while ex_mission commander must get through restricted zone, stop blast_off)
Anthony, Piers/Tella, Alfred
Willing Spirit (innocent, well_bred young Hari becomes pilgrim searching for true wisdom, but he & his quest are subject of wager between devious, contentious gods)
Bakis, Kirsten
Lives of the Monster Dogs (refugees of century_isolated town enter NY in 2008-human_sized dogs in top hats, tails, bustle skirts-struggle to adapt & fight a strange illness)
Beagle, Peter S.
The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche and Other Odd Acquantances (short story collection)
Bear, Greg
Second Foundation Trilogy 2: Foundation and Chaos (Hari Seldon is on trial for daring to predict the Empire's fall; humaniform robot Lodovik Trema may be a threat after the Three Laws of Robotic were erased from his positronic brain in a neutrino storm)
Benford, Gregory
Second Foundation Trilogy 1: Foundation's Fear (Emperor Cleon nominates Hari Seldon for 1st Minister, bringing AI debate to a head as staff fumes, assassinations are attempted & 2 AIs go rogue)
Bormanis, Andre
Star Trek Science Logs (reference; collection of real_life scientific info from TV shows & movies, each based on a show's adventure, styled as report to Starfleet HQ; PBO)
Bischoff, David
The Crow: Quoth the Crow (media tie_in; jealous man's deal w/black magic cult gets out of control & target, professor & Poe expert/collector, returns from dead to confront hm; PBO)
Brite, Poppy Z_ed
Love in Vein II (vampire erotica anthology)
Broderick, Damien
The White Abacus (human prince & very different friend are tested by the treachery, conspiracy & ambition of prince's home planet)
Burkett, William R., Jr.
Bloodsport (interplanetary big game hunter and robot after deadly prey)
Card, Orson Scott
Homebody (chilling tales of a loner trying to renovate an old Southern mansion, and the eerie secrets he unearths)
Charnas, SuzyMcKee (as RebeccaBrand)
The Ruby Tear (Jessamyn fights her way to starring role in ex's new play about the jewel that's cursed his family & draws the attention of vampire Baron von Cragga)
Cherryh, C.J.
Fortress of Eagles (sequel to Fortress in the Eye of Time )
Claremont, Chris/Lucas, George
Shadow Dawn ( Shadow Moon sequel; Thunder Riders, Thorn Drumheller & Lord of the Dance collide in struggle threatening dragons, Tir Asleen's storehouse of dreams)
Conner, Miguel
The Queen of Darkness (in world darkened by vampire holocaust, Moon Queen_protege Byron is sent to stop insurrection at human farm, but he may be humanity's last chance; PBO)
Cover, Arthur Byron
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer 4: Night of the Living Rerun (media tie_in; Buffy's dreams reliving former slayer's life in Salem MA set up replay of night Master was trapped-he wants a different ending; PBO)
Dalkey, Kara
Blood of the Goddess 2: Bijapur (apothecary's assistant Thomas Chinnery sent to infiltrate Portuguese colonies in India, is forced on expedition to fabled city to find miraculous drug)
Dann, Jack/Dozois, Gardner_eds
Clones (sf anthology of genetic engineering & impact on future by LeGuin, Haldeman, Varley, more; PBO)
David, Peter
Babylon 5: In the Beginning (movie novelization of feature_length movie launching TV series' 5th season)
David, Peter
Star Trek: The New Frontier: Book 5 (the untried crew of Excalibur is sent to assess the Thallonian Empire's collapse, but mysterious stowaway interferes; PBO)
DeBrandt, Don
Steeldriver (to free the planet, cyborg Jon Hundred must tunnel through a huge mountain before a computerized mining machine; PBO)
Denning, Troy
Crucible: Trial of Cyric the Mad (Forgotten Realms)
Denning, Troy
Pages of Pain (Planetscape game tie-in novel)
Devenport, Emily
Godheads ( Eggheads sequel; after 1000 yrs in stasis, Edna's reborn, assigned to infiltrate communications monopoly, but memories of past intrude; PBO)
DeWeese, Gene
Lord of the Necropolis (Ravenloft game tie-in novel)
Drake, David/Flint, Eric
An Oblique Approach (Byzantium commander Belisarius must journey to alien robot_controlled evil Malwa empire to prevent crystal's vison from coming true; PBO)
Dunsany, Lord
The Complete Pegana (all the "Pegana Mythos" stories, edited and introduced by S. T. Joshi, in the "Call of Cthulhu Fiction" series)
Egan, Greg
Axiomatic (sf short story collection)
Egan, Greg
Diaspora (some humans have chosen immortality as digital citizens, roaming a vast network probe throughout the Solar System; some have opted to switch over to disposable, renewable robotic bodies to keep in touch with the physical world; and some have stubbornly remained fleshers, mainly on Earth--now they all face a risk from a source that seems to violate the laws of nature)
Egan, Greg
Distress (journalist's 2055 assignment to profile physicist about to present Theory of Everything lands in assassination plot, anti_tech rebellion)
Emery, Clayton
Mortal Consequences (Forgotten Realms Arcane Age)
Feist, Raymond E
The Serpentwar Saga 4: Shards of a Broken Crown (Jimmy & Dash must rebuild Crown & country in wake of devastating Demon King defeat, before Emerald Queen's general can take it for his)
Forward, Robert L
Saturn Rukh (5 men & women risk voyage into Saturn's upper atmosphere to mine chemicals for fuel, but they crash_land on enormous flying creature)
Fulton, Roger
The Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction (1997 update of British reference book, includes U.S. & British TV series, made-for-TV movies, and animation)
Garcia y Robertson, R.
The Moon Maid and Other Fantastic Adventures (collection)
Gardner, James Alan
Commitment Hour (in serene, 25c Tober Cove, a young man faces the dark, reality_altering secrets of decision each Tober Covan must make)
Greenwood, Ed
Elminster in Myth Drannor (Forgotten Realms)
Hamilton, Peter F
The Neutronium Alchemist 1: Consolidation (as minds of dead take over bodies of living, Joshua Calvert desperately searches for instrument that could send dead back - or destroy humanity)
Hand, Elizabeth
Glimmering (during last days of 1999, climate alters, cities implode, stars vanish, sky turns colors & dreams, nightmares awaken world to come)
Heydt, Dorothy J
A Point of Honor (Sir Mary de Coury finds the virtual reality world of Chivalry where she's a knight intrude on real world in most lethal manner; PBO)
Hobb, Robin (aka Megan Lindholm)
The Liveship Traders: Ship of Magic (Althea Vestrit battles to reclaim family's animate, intelligent ship from slaving brother_in_law before pirate captain can capture it & Bingtown)
Jacq, Christian
Ramses Vol II: The Eternal Temple (as Ramses nears coronation, he copes with palace & magical intrigue as borders are threatened by Hittites)
Jacques, Brian
Redwall Map (folding map, plus Redwall riddles and trivia)
Kenyon, Kay
Leap Point (peaceful rural town is hit by strange disease, then mysterious cult, then deadly visitors from the stars; PBO)
Kiernan, Sean
Roar #1 (TV tie_in; young hero relies on his dead father's sword & Ireland's mystic powers to defeat Roman legions; PBO)
Killick, Jane
Babylon 5: Season by Season 1: Signs & Portents (media reference; episode guide to pilot & first season w/Michael O'Hare forward, essays, plot synopses & in_depth analysis)
Kress, Nancy
Dancing on Air (chapbook)
Lackey, Mercedes
Oathblood (complete collection of Lackey's Tarma & Kethry stories, incl new novella; PBO)
Lee, Adam
Dominions of Irth 2: Shadow Eater (hero wants to settle with his love in the magical utopia he helped save, but goddess declares him invader & destroyer of her world)
Liepitz, Susan Leslie
Mystic Memories (1998 Psychic Private Investigator looking for missing child, finds a time portal, and falls into a Time Travel Romance)
Lisle, Holly
Curse of the Black Heron (Bard's daughter/apprentice weaver Izzy & lord's heir Giraud flee country seized by new ruler, search for her father's killer, find her Bard powers; PBO)
Marz, Ron/Wrightson, B
Batman/Aliens (graphic novel; Batman is out of his element when he finds Mayan ruins in Amazon infested by Aliens)
McDevitt, Jack
Eternity Road (Chaka & friends set out to retrace expedition to the Roadmakers'-people from before the 21c Plague-hidden sanctuary, explore past to build new world)
McKeone, Dixie Lee
Tales of Uncle Trapspringer (Dragonlance)
Molstad, Stephen
Independence Day: Silent Zone (prequel to movie; Brackish Okun hired for secret research, discovers alien ship held by gov't, secrets of 1947 crash & suspects aliens will return)
Moorcock, Michael
Kane of Old Mars (omnibus of City of the Beast, Lord of the Spiders, and Masters of the Pit , with new introduction) $
Nix, Garth
Sabriel (young adult high fantasy,winner of Australia's Aurealis Award)
Nix, Garth
Shade's Children (young adult; in a grim city of the future the children fear their fourteenth birthday, because that is when the Overlord will transplant their brains into one of his creatures)
Norton, Andre/Smith, Sherwood
Derelict for Trade (when the Solar Queen almost runs into a derelict ship, the crew thinks they're lucky to make it to space habitat-but their troubles have just begun)
Novak, Kate/ Grubb, Jeff
Tymora's Luck (Forgotten Realms)
Nylund, Eric S
Dry Water (shy writer comes to Dry Water NM for refuge but learns destiny is to find magical spring causing ripples in history, time & keep it out of evil hands)
Owens, Everett
The X_Files 11: Howlers (young adult/TV tie_in; when photos show images of crimes that follow, Mulder believes killer is leaving calling card-but next image is of Scully; PBO)
Page, Jake
Apacheria (alternate history Apache Nation takes on Al Capone's mob; PBO)
Parkinson, Dan
The Gates of Time 1: The Whispers (small_town couple's lives are turned upside down when their home becomes time_travel depot; PBO)
Pratchett, Terry
Discworld: Interesting Times (Wizard Rincewind is sent on diplomatic mission to new_found continent w/no idea what to do & neither Cohen the barbarian or magic butterfly can help)
Pratchett, Terry
Equal Rites ( Discworld milieu; dying wizard tries to pass on powers, but son turns out to be daughter & witch takes matters into own hands; reprint)
Price, Robert M.-ed.
The Innsmouth Cycle: The Taint of the Deep Ones in 13 Tales (in the "Call of Cthulhu Fiction" series)
Rabe, Jean
Eve of the Maelstrom (Dragonlance Fifth Age)
Reed, Robert
An Exaltation of Larks (reprint; college student recruited to change future by Indian promising eternal life)
Roberson, Jennifer
Sword_Born (Tiger & Del return; "powerful friendship transforms as strong, opinionated people from very different societies live & fight...as their views...change & grow")
Roessner, Michaela
The Stars Dispose (young man learns family's secret culinary magics practised for generations of Medicis, finds himself in inter_city war & intrigue with grand, mystic design)
Royce, Easton
The X_Files 10: Dark Matter (young adult/TV tie_in; Mulder suspects string of disappearances are spontaneous human combustions, but there's more to it; PBO)
Salvatore, RA
The Demon Awakens (first in new fantasy trilogy;)
Shatner, William
In Alien Hands (Quest For Tomorrow 2)
Sherman, Josepha/Shwartz, Susan
Star Trek: Vulcan's Forge (after Kirk's death his friends struggle to go on, then Capt Spock is forced to act when enemy from past rises w/a plan that may destroy a world)
Shinn, Sharon
Jovah's Angel (150 years after Archangel , the planet's wracked by storm & flood, but even the angels' voices can't reach the "god" Jovah)
Silverberg, Robert--ed
The Fantasy Hall of Fame (collection of best modern fantasy stories, selected by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America)
Stackpole, Michael A
Battletech 37:Warrior Trilogy 1: Warrior:En Garde (gaming tie_in; Lyran Commonwealth heir's kidnapped just as secret betrothal would cement powerful alliance & brothers fight on opposite sides; PBO)
Stackpole, Michael A
Realms of Chaos 2: An Enemy Reborn (San Francisco shoe_store clerk Len Fong is thrust into Chaos as key to rebellion against Seal of Reality_shattering sorceror Fialchar's dominance; PBO)
Stover, Matthew Woodring
Iron Dawn (axe_wielding Barra the Pict & partners take on necromancer threatening Tyre 10 years after the fall of Troy)
Stover, Matthew Woodring
Jericho Moon ( Iron Dawn sequel; Barra the Pict, mercenary & companions head for Canaan deserts to free Jebusai prince, but must cope w/siege & jealous gods; PBO)
Strauss, Victoria
The Arm of the Stone (Bron learns he is One Who Comes to retrieve Stone from evil oppressors, restore world, while Arm of Stone recruites & he loves dangerous noblewoman; PBO)
Swanwick, Michael
The Postmodern Archipelago (chapbook containing 2 essays on science fiction and fantasy)
Thomsen, Brian--ed
Realms of the Arcane (Forgotten Realms)
Tolkien, JRR/Scull, C/Hammond, WG
Roverandom (previously unpublished book_length fantasy told in 1925 to console son after loss of beloved toy; illustrated; edited & intro by Scull & Hammond)
Van Vogt, AE
Slan (classic reprint; mutant boy flees persecution from normal humans)
Vance, Jack
Night Lamp (reprint; young adoptee seeks to discover secret of his origin, travels to exotic society)
Vande Velde, Vivian
The Changeling Prince (tyrannical sorceress' werewolf bodyguard rebels against use of him, other changeling predator_slaves as human parodies, aims to steal back soul; PBO)
Vitola, Denise
Manjinn Moon (Det Ty Merrick 3, maneuvers corruption, violence, greed of 21c Earth to investigate intelligence agents' deaths & finds assassin w/strange powers; PBO)
Weis, Margaret/ Hichman, Tracy
The Dragons of Chaos (Dragonlance)
Weis, Margaret
The Soulforge (Dragonlance)
White, Steve
Prince of Sunset (Imperial Fleet Academy grads Basil, Sonja, Torval find themselves amid New Human rebel war, find they & Basil's world's dragons play crucial roles; PBO)
Witcover, Paul
Waking Beauty (visit the Hierarchate, where each night women bind their men to keep them from the damning lure of the Beauty scent that rises from Herwood....)
Bernheimer, Kate_ed
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (collection of essays by female writers on fairy tales that changed their lives)
Brackett, Leigh/Kasdan, Lawrence
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (media tie_in; complete script w/illustrations)
Bradley, MZ/Lisle, Holly
Glenraven 2: In the Rift (Kate Beacham's bad day gets worse when Glenraven guidebook shows up, riders & monster appear in midair-good thing she knows how to use a shotgun...)
Crispin, AC
Star Wars: Han Solo Trilogy 3: Rebel Dawn (media tie_in; tells story of how young Han Solo won the Millenium Falcon & wound up at the Mos Eisley cantina; PBO)
David, Peter
Star Trek: The New Frontier: Book 6 (continuing adventures of Capt Mackenzie Calhoun & the USS Excalibur; PBO)
Durgin, Doranna
Barrenlands (when king & best friend's killed, First of King's Guard Ehren gets suspicious of First Level Ministry's orders, esp mission to find king's nephews; PBO)
Elvira w/John Paragon
Elvira: The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (media tie_in; Elvira doesn't believe her young friend who claims to be a werewolf; PBO)
Friedman, Michael Jan
Fantastic Four: Redemption of the Silver Surfer (media tie_in; when the others are lured to Negative Zone by Blastaar, Invisible Woman enlists Silver Surfer, but can he atone for his past?; PBO)
Hathaway_Nayne, Anne
Forever Knight: These Our Revels (media tie_in; Toronto Det Nick Knight 3: Midsummer 1599 was a great time to be immortal, acting in Will Shakespeare's company, but it's about to end...)
Kasdan, Lawrence/Lucas, George
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (media tie_in; complete script w/illustrations)
Killick, Jane
Babylon 5: Season by Season 2:The Coming of Shadows (media reference; episode guide to 2nd season w/essays, plot synopses & in_depth analysis)
Kreighbaum, Mark
The Eyes of God ( Palace sequel; Vi_Kata's dead, Riva cult's stronger, as are human_Lep tensions & Vida maneuvers political minefield to find deadly secret; PBO)
Lackey, Mercedes
Fiddler Fair (collection of fantasy & science fiction adventure & horror stories ; PBO)
Lethem, Jonathan
Girl in Landscape (story of Pella, teen whose mother dies, family flees post_apocalyptic Brooklyn for new planet where colony is dominated by virile, dangerous loner)
Llywelyn, Morgan
Lion of Ireland (reprint; retelling of Brian Boru's epic story of becoming Ireland's greatest king, w/aid of 3 remarkable women)
Lucas, George
Star Wars: A New Hope (media tie_in; complete script w/illustrations)
Lynn, Elizabeth A
Dragon's Winter (dragon king's son Karadur Atani battles bitter, wizard_twin brother who's stolen talisman allowing him to become dragon & is destroying their land)
Moon, Elizabeth
Once a Hero (Esmay Suiza just wants quiet, secure Navy berth but lands in battle, mutiny & becomes youngest, lowest rank Fleeter to win battle-that's just a start)
Penman, Sharon Kay
Queen's Man (Justin de Quincy's discovery of bloodstained letter leads career as Eleanor of Aquitaine's confidante, detective in search for murderers, traitors)
Perry, SD
Virus (movie tie_in; American tug, devastated by S Pacific typhoon, finds deserted, high_tech Russian warship-but something's on board & its not human; PBO)
Poe, Stephen Edward
A Vision of the Future: Star Trek Voyager (media reference; behind_the_scenes look at making the Voyager series, starting from long before 1st scene was shot)
Salvatore, RA
The Demon Spirit ( Demon Awakens sequel; Elbryan Wynden, Pony, allies continue battle to save Corona from evil as slain demon's spirit possesses Abelican Church leader)
Shinn, Sharon
Samaria Trilogy 3: The Alleluia Files ("breathtaking novel of angels & technology, legends & lies, love & transcendence")
Steiber, Ellen
The X_Files 12: Grotesque (young adult/TV tie_in; Mulder & Scully must find out why killings continue when killer who claims possession by gargoyle is imprisoned; PBO)
Vinge, Joan D
Lost in Space Novelization (movie tie_in; tells the story of how the crew became castaways, discover advanced, abandoned space station & find role in fate of universe; hc $22)
Weiss, Bobbi JG & David Cody
Star Trek Next Gen:Starfleet Academy 14: Deceptions (young reader; Cadet Data's sent w/class research team to investigate ancient alien ruins, but when the mission's sabotaged, Data must save them; PBO)
Whitman, John
Star Wars:Galaxy of Fear 9: Spore (young reader; Tash, Zak & Uncle Hoole stop for supplies, then have to find colony in space slug_filled asteroid belt, but find ancient lifeform awake)
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
Sisters of the Night: The Angry Angel (story of the first of Dracula's "weird sister" brides; "scope..thrills..sexuality..historical accuracy..bold feminist inversion"; chapter illos)
Barnes, John
Earth Made of Glass (12 years after A Million Open Doors ; diplomats must contend w/2 inimical cultures on hostile world they wish to add to their interstellar community)
Calder, Richard
Cythera ("ghosts" from cyberspace begin taking corporeal form, entering our world & both transvestite thief, action film star are involved as reality's endangered)
Flynn, Michael
Rogue Star ( Firestar sequel/family saga; future America & world transformed by new technologies as humanity presses farther into space)
Flynn, Michael
The Forest of Time & Other Stories (collection; includes Hugo Award nominee stories & others)
Gloss, Molly
The Dazzle of Day (reprint; Quakers buy failed space station & emigrate, but voyage hardships over generations have taken toll as ship approaches new solar system)
Lovece, Frank
Godzilla!: Complete Guide to Moviedom's Mightiest Monster (media tie_in/reference; in_depth history of creation & creators, plot, cast & crew of all movies, guide to memorabilia, recap of US TV series, more)
Reiman, Katya
Tielmaran Chronicles 2: A Tremor in the Bitter Earth (young sorceress Gaultry Blas captures an assassin & must thwart his Imperial masters to save her prince)
Saberhagen, Fred
Book of the Gods 1: The Face of Apollo (Greek gods return centuries after abandoning humanity; hc avail $25.95)
Vance, Jack
Ports of Call (reprint; intrigue & romance w/interplanetary conman on swashbuckling adventure)
Adams, Scott
I'm Not Anti_Business, I'm Anti_Idiot (comic strip collection)
Banks, Iain
A Song of Stone (during small, modern European civil war, band of rebels capture castle & hold sexually perverse lord & lady hostage)
Banks, Iain
The Wasp Factory (reprint; "powerful, strange, engrossing tale of rural family's secret")
Brite, Poppy Z
The Crow: Framed in Blood (media tie_in; New Orleans S&M photographer is framed for lover's murder, but Poe & crow return from dead for vengeance; PBO)
Dick, Philip K
Radio Free Albemuth (reprint; in late 60s US, struggling sf writer's best friend is receiving transmissions from extraterrestrial-maybe God-wanting him to overthrow president)
Garland, Linda & Roger/Suckling, N_txt
The Book of the Unicorn (art; illustration & description of history of the Unicorn, from myths, legends, facts worldwide)
Pinkwater, Daniel
The Education of Robert Nifkin (young adult; 1950s teen discovers the horrors of high school, from authoritarian public school to beatnik refuge)
Wells, HG/Jones, Steven_intro
Thirty Strange Stories (collection of science fiction & fantasy stories by "grand_master of speculative fiction")
Anderson, Kevin J/Moesta, Rebecca
Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell (young adult/media tie_in; a devastating secret threatens disaster for the Solo family; PBO)
Anthony, Patricia
Flanders (Texan sharpshooter w/British in WWI is changing, dreaming of world of walking dead full of KIAs, but greater force's needed to make him realize true purpose)
Askegren, Pierce
Marc Miller's Traveller: Gateway to the Stars (gaming tie_in; when fugitive buys Navis Redling's shipper/courier identity, he runs into Redling's old enemies; game module included)
Boyd, Donna
The Passion (chronicle of secret werewolf dynasty hinges on supposedly loyal human companion who becomes pawn, then player in pack struggles, betrayals & more)
Bradbury, Ray
I Sing the Body Electric! And Other Stories (reprint of classic sf/fantasy short story & poetry collection)
Campbell, Ramsey
Nazareth Hill (teen girl's adolescence & father's midlife crisis in dysfunctional family is only 1 battle in centuries_old war)
Cooney, Caroline B
Prisoner of Time (young adult; when blackmail threatens Victorian_era Devonny, she calls for brother who's gone to 20th c, but instead Annie Lockwood's brother arrives)
Cramer, John
Einstein's Bridge (near future physics researchers discover space_time tunnels to alternate universes, but for some of their inhabitants, Earth is just food)
Daley, Brian
GammaLAW 2: A Screaming Across the Sky (continuation of epic sf series; PBO)
Dickson, Gordon R
The Dragon & the Gnarly King (mathematician/Dragon Knight Jim Eckert has settled down as feudal lord, but then King of Gnarlies & rival Earl of Cumberland kidnap his adopted son)
Douglas, Ian
Heritage Trilogy 1: Semper Mars (when ancient city's discovered on Mars & alternate history's proved, Mars Marines must stand between civilians & those who want to control history; PBO)
Dozois, Gardner/Williams, Sheila_ed
Isaac Asimov's Camelot (anthology about Camelot & Arthur from Asimov's SF Magazine, by Zelazny, Yolen, Lee, Swanwick, Friesner, McDowell, Lindholm, more; PBO)
Drake, David_ed
Armageddon (anthology)
Due, Tananarive
My Soul to Keep (when people close to her die, Jessica learns ideal husband is immortal whose brethren insist he leave her, daughter-but he has other, darker plans)
Eaves, John/Dillard, JM
Star Trek: The Next Gen Sketchbook-The Movies (media tie_in; behind_the_scenes look at the making of Generations & First Contact ; PBO)
Fabi, Mark
Wyrm (computer virus hunters track genius who's built a bug to control the entire WWWeb & bring on the apocalypse)
Friedman, Michael Jan
X_Men/Star Trek Next Generation: Planet X (continuing storyline of April 98 Marvel Comics, Enterprise investigates bizarre mutations on Xanthos, are visited from another reality by X_Men; PBO)
Green, Sharon
The Blending 3: Challenges (internal dissension & external peril threaten to tear the band of 5 peasant mages apart; PBO)
Hamilton, Laurell K
Burnt Offerings (Vampire Hunter Anita Blake #7, finds creatures of the night turning to her for help when an arsonist begins to target vampires; PBO)
Hogan, James P
Bug Park (a neural interfacing breakthrough leads to an new entertainment media -- live action adventures in micro mechanical scale--Bug Park)
Kerner, Elizabeth
Song in the Silence (after life of hearing she's foolish & wrong, Lanen Kaelar sets out to find dreamed_of dragons, as the powerful fear her destiny & unravelled mysteries)
Keyes, J Gregory
The Age of Unreason 1: Newton's Cannon (in alternate 18c, Isaac Newton unleashes Philosopher's Mercury that sparks war for control of reality as apprentice Ben Franklin seeks aid against sorceror)
Keyes, J Gregory
The Blackgod ( Waterborn sequel; powerful, demented god's daughter battles with her magical heritage & the forces pursuing her)
Llywelyn, Morgan
Finn MacCool (mythology; retelling of tale of ancient Irish hero)
MacDonald, Goerge
At the Back of the North Wind (young reader; young boy living in hayloft is visited by fairy who's come to take him back w/her to enchanted land)
Moore, Christopher
Island of the Sequined Love Nun (pilot on the run from corporate goons lands among "cargo cults, mad doctors, cannibals & talking fruit bats")
Destiny's Road (farm boy_descendent of stranded colonists decides to explore mysteries of road left by ship that abandoned them, though no one's ever returned from it)
Nocenti, Ann
X_Men: Prisoner X (media tie_in; when Rogue goes undercover to get Longshot out of the new UltraMax prison, they discover it's the masterpiece of insane villain Mojo; PBO)
Nye, Jody Lynn
Waking in Dreamland (fantasy; something sinister is happening in Dreamland, the realm where sleepers in the "real" world go when they dream)
Nylund, Eric S
Signal to Noise (computer cryptographer's caught up in academic & business deceit & intrigue when discovers message from deep space & realizes he has no one to trust)
Pullman, Philip
The Subtle Knife ( Golden Compass sequel; young Lyra continues adventures in strange new worlds; "grows richer & more compelling at every step of its gripping journey")
Sammon, Paul
The Complete Aliens Companion (media tie_in/reference; covers creation & development of all 4 movies, photos, interviews, etc; PBO)
Shatner, William
Star Trek: Avenger (Captain Kirk takes on desperate quest to find source of virus decimating the Federation)
Shatner, William
Star Trek: Spectre (retired_&_married Kirk returns to Earth for 1st time since supposed death & sets mystery in motion that may prove greatest challenge)
Shelley, Rick
DMC: Officer_Cadet (when young Lon Nolan's rejected from Earth's North American Military Academy on trumped_up charges, he turns to the Dirigent Mercenary Corps; PBO)
Stackpole, Michael
Star Wars: I, Jedi (secret cadre of pirates become danger to New Republic & living nightmare for Luke Skywalker)
Star Wars:X_Wing Rogue Squadron-Battleground: Tatooine (graphic novel; Jabba the Hutt's death creates chaotic scramble for power & secret Imperial weapons cache that Wedge & crew must stop)
Stewart, Sean
Clouds End ("magical tale of 2 women-spawned from the same soul-caught between the unreachable sky & the unfathomable sea")
Tepper, Sheri S
The Family Tree (as police officer Dora Henry investigates geneticists' murders, world goes crazy with vegetation threatening humanity, but communication with it brings answers)
Weber, David
The War God's Own (sequel to Oath of Swords )
Weis, Margaret/Hickman, Tracy
Starshield 2: Nightsword (Earth astronaut w/infinite knowlege is caught between competing forces looking for sword that controls reality & brings absolute power)
Williamson, Jack
The Black Sun (colonists sent to distant system land on bleak, cold world of dying star, are torn apart by sabotage & dissent, then realize they've wakened something)
Willis, Connie
Fire Watch (reprint; short story collection includes 2 Hugo, Nebula winners; "fresh, subtle, & deeply moving")
Cool, Tom
Secret Realms (21c soldiers raised in VR find cache of their bodies, decide to enter real world where their virtual lives have translated to actions in China_Japan war)
Cross, Ronald Anthony
Eternal Guardian 3: The White Guardian (1 of 4 Eternal Guardians is lost in time & history's frozen until White Guardian can thaw it, save the world)
Dalkey, Kara
Blood of the Goddess 3: Bhagavati (sent to collect rare herbs in Africa, English apothecary's apprentice saves life at hands of Inquisition by claiming knowledge of powder that raises dead)
Farmer, Philip Jose'
Nothing Burns in Hell (sf/horror crossover; Peoria PI married to Wiccan is hired to witness illegal money transfer in cemetary that turns into bloodbath and more)
Forrest, Elizabeth
Retribution (artist's paintings of her nightmares bring fame & fortune, but only serial killer knows they're true & fears revelation if she continues to paint; PBO)
Grant, Charles
Black Oak 1: Genesis (mystery crossover; Black Oak Investigations owner Ethan Proctor investigates beyond the norm when operative's killed in town terrorizd by...something; PBO)
Hamilton, Peter F
The Neutronium Alchemist 2: Conflict (race for ultimate weapon is on as ever more desperate Confederation Navy struggles to slow dead taking living bodies, forming powerful groups; PBO)
Huff, Tanya
Summon the Keeper (Keeper Clair & Austin the cat take charge of Elysian Fields B&B, but aren't expecting gate to Hell to break loose in the basement!; PBO)
Jordan, Robert as Reagan O'Neal
Fallon Trilogy 3: The Fallon Legacy (historical; as enemy attempts to destroy all Fallons, James Fallon & other settlers-Bowie, Austin, Houston-become involved in TX's war for independence)
Kenson, Stephen
Shadowrun 31: Technobabel (Renraku Computer Systems agent sent to infiltrate technoshaman race decides to switch sides in attempt to stop corporate war; PBO)
Kurtz, Katherine_ed
On Crusade: More Tales of the Knights Templar (fantasy anthology incl Norton, Turner Harris, Kurtz, more; PBO)
McCay, Bill
Stargate 4: Reconnaissance (Egyptologist Daniel Jackson & Marine Col Jack O'Neil have problem when survivors of StarGate_destroyed planet colonize another & find they're not alone)
Modesitt, LE Jr
The White Order ( Recluce series; young orphan raised by aunt & uncle inherits father's magic abilities, is sent away to find destiny, avoid destruction as renegde mage)
Newman, Sharan
Guinevere Evermore (reprint; 3rd in series about Guinevere & Lancelot)
Pohl, Frederik
O Pioneer! (human colonist on planet home to 5 alien species overcomes discomfort of new environment, becomes mayor, then discovers human plot may destroy colony)
Pournelle, Jerry
Starswarm (young boy living in research outpost on planet Paradise learns voice in head is an AI who alerts him to family's history, danger to himself, station)
Resnick, Mike
A Hunger in the Soul (medical researcher disappears into jungle of alien world, but another must locate & retrieve him when plague threatens galaxy)
Son of Darkness (NY museum curator Denise Sheridan teams w/Dark Elf/art gallery owner Ilaron Highborn to defeat Sumerian demon threatening Manhattan; PBO)
Smith, Dona
Armageddon: Junior Novel (young reader version of movie novelization; asteroid is on collision course for earth but one scientist may hold key to saving the world)
Whyte, Jack
The Saxon Shore ( Camulod Chronicles ; orphaned young Arthur adopted by cousin Caius Merlyn Britannicus who must prepare him to unify clans as Saxons threaten)
Yeats, William Butler
Mythologies (collection of Irish legends & occult tales, incl accounts of the storytellers who told the stories passed down through families & Yeats' essays)
Amend, Bill
FoxTrot: Welcome to Jasorassic park (comic strip collection)
Dann, Jack_ed
Nebula Awards 32 (anthology of SFWA's choices of year's best f/sf incl Dowling, Ferrell, Friesner, Griffith, Hand, Lethem, Shepard, Silverberg, Spinrad, Vance, etc; hc avail $26)
Darrieussecq, Marie
Pig Tales: A Novel of Lust & Transformation (bestselling French novel about woman who, during job at beauty boutique/massage parlor, slowly turns into a pig; soon to be film by Goddard)
Dietz, William C
Star Wars, Dark Forces: Rebel Agent (ex_Imperial Kyle Katarn has unfinished business-find the Dark Jedi who killed his father & beat him to fabled, vastly powerful Valley of the Jedi)
Alien Voices, Inc
HG Wells' The Invisible Man (audo tape; multi_voice dramatization with all_star cast, includes Leonard Nimoy, John de Lancie; CD avail $20)
Anderson/Carrasco Jr/Heike
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi-The Fall of the Sith Empire (graphic novel; before the Clone Wars, hyperspace mapper Jori Daragon discovers the Sith Empire's plans to crush the Republic & only she can stop them)
Askegren, Pierce
Fantastic Four: Countdown to Chaos (media tie_in; The Mad Thinker hatches worldwide conspiracy by placing duplicates of key people around the world, including Reed Richards; PBO)
Avi_text/Floca, Brian_ill
Dimwood Forest 1: Poppy (reprint/young adult; owl ruler Ocax promises mice protection if they ask permission to move about, but when Poppy sees her fiance eaten, embarks on quest to battle)
Avi_text/Floca, Brian_ill
Dimwood Forest 2: Poppy & Rye (young adult; mouse Poppy travels to dead fiance's family, but finds them in dangerous trouble & discovers a new love; PBO)
Bear, Greg
Slant (in 2160s, nanotechnology & study of mind has brought about a sane & perfect world-almost)
Benson, Ann
The Plague Tales (Black Death binds parallel tales of 1348 doctor desparate to save royal family & 2005 scientist who finds terror dormant in soil for 700 years)
Briggs, Patricia
When Demons Walk (when an immortal killer strikes in Southwood, sorceress/thief Sham must use all she knows to send it away; PBO)
Bujold, Lois McMaster
Komarr (Imperial Auditor Miles Vorkosigan sent to investigate possible Komarr terraforming sabotage amid treacherous stew of hatred, lies, loyalty, victims, rebels)
Ciencin, Scott
Elven Ways 3: Night of Glory (alternate Earth artist/magician Tom Keeper struggles to expose the truth of the magic keeping elves masquerading as angels with divine right to rule; PBO)
Coe, David B
Lon Tobyn Chronicle 1: Children of Amarid (order dedicated to using powers of magic crystals & hawk_bond for good faces rumors that founder expelled for misuse is back from dead for vengeance)
Davis, Brett
Bone Wars (rival paleontologists after dinosaur bones in 1876 Montana team up to keep "foreign" scientists from taking fossils out of country-or off planet; PBO)
Dunn, JR
Days of Cain (Monitors are supposed to guard past's integrity, but when one goes rogue, her mentor realizes she intends to change past, future by entering Auschwitz)
Elrod, PN
The Vampire Files: A Chill in the Blood (vampire PI Jack Fleming tries to stop a mob war in post_prohibition Chicago without loosing what's left of his humanity in the process)
Friedman, Michael Jan
Star Trek: The Captain's Table 2: Dujonian's Hoard (when ex_Starfleet officer vanishes during search for Hoard, everyone incl Picard & Worf goes looking; PBO)
Graf, LA
Star Trek: The Captain's Table 1: War Dragons (in space/time/ dimension_spanning bar, the captains meet, trade tales & help; Kirk joins Excelsior Capt Sulu to resolve far system's political problelms; PBO)
Greenland, Colin
Mother of Plenty (pilot Tabitha Jute 3, has been stripped of command by parasitic Guardians & is trapped in inter_species struggle for galactic supremacy; PBO)
Hambly, Barbara
Star Wars: Planet of Twilight (Leia's kidnapped, Luke searches for Callista, and a long_dormant life form wakes to threaten both Empire & New Republic)
Hamilton, Peter F
A Quantum Murder (telepathic operative Greg Mandel 2, investigates murder of professor researching quantum cosmology for Event Horizon conglomerate)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
A Wonder Book for Girls & Boys (young reader/reprint; adventures of Greek heroes & monsters)
Hogan, James P
Star Child (young Taya wonders why stars don't change though android companion says world moves-then when she's 12 the World is born anew; PBO)
Lawhead, Stephen R
The Pendragon Cycle 5: Grail (after the Grail miraculously heals gravely wounded King Arthur, it's stolen & Arthur begins quest through realms of magic, undead & evil)
Martin, Thomas K
Magelord 2: The Time of Madness (after Magelord's defeat, the King's helpless w/fear & 1st Knight joys in destruction-only young noble Ian risks opening escape route, finds Power; PBO)
McAuley, Paul J
Confluence 1: Child of the River (in far future Yama sets out to find secret of heritage, starts with discovery as baby in boat on river, finds he's last of ancient, powerful bloodline; PBO)
McCaffrey, Anne
Freedom's Choice ( Freedom's Landing sequel; ex_slave colonists find evidence of another race on planet they're fighting to claim-are they long dead or might they be allies?)
Modesitt, LE Jr
The Chaos Balance (latest in Saga of Recluce )
Niles, Douglas
Watershed Trilogy 3: War of Three Waters (as war turns in dark lord's favor, humans & faerines rally for last stand while Man & Woman of 3 Waters travel to wasteland beyond Watershed, strike evil there)
Niven, Larry_cr
The Best of All Possible Wars (military sf; anthology of "The Best of the Man_Kzin Wars"; PBO)
Routley, Jane
Fire Angels ( Mage Heart sequel; mage Dion battles demons & Fire Angels sent by Great Destroyer to lure her; PBO)
Sullivan, Tricia
Dreaming in Smoke (survival systems for scientists studying "primitive" planet crash & those w/intact mental ability realize collective alien intelligence is foe; PBO)
Whyte, Jack
Camulod Chronicles 3: The Eagles' Blood (crime drives a wedge between cousins & Colony leaders Commander Caius Merlyn Britannicus & warrior/ruler Uther Pendragon)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Lady of Avalon (links Mists of Avalon & Forest House , tells story of mystic island & priestesses shaping Britain, fighting to regain magic & traditions of past)
Cornwell, Bernard
Enemy of God ( Winter King sequel; having secured peace with Saxons, King Arthur turns to confront new enemies posing as friends)
Dean, Pamela
Juniper, Gentian, & Rosemary (young man brings magic to lives of 3 sisters, but their father begins to suspect evil when even practical daughter drops studies; inspired by traditional ballad)
Disch, Thomas M
The Dreams Our Stuff is Made Of (non_fiction; account of science fiction's impact on American culture from Poe to Wells & Verne through today's entertainment industry)
Dozois, Gardner_ed
Year's Best Science Fiction: 15th Annual Collection (anthology incl Baxter, GJones, Kress, Marusek, McAuley, McDonald, Silverberg, more; hc avail $29.95)
Feintuch, David
The Still (young Prince Rodrigo of Caledon flees scheming uncle, must reclaim throne with aid of nobles & friends)
Greenberg, MH/Helfers, John_eds
Black Cats & Broken Mirrors (fantasy anthology postulates superstitions as truth, includes Yolen, Scarborough, West, deLint, Springer, Crowther, Rusch, Friesner, more; PBO)
Hamilton, Laurell K
Nightseer (as Keleios grows into her powers, she dreams of revenge for mother's murder, but the price of the demonmark may be her soul; reprint)
Hemingway, Hilary/Lindsay, Jeffry P
Dreamchild (offspring of human/alien conceived during human's abduction may hold fate of all humanity in his hand)
Kiernan, Caitlin R
Silk (only a few know that woman running 2nd_hand store in small, southern city hosts something powerful, wonderful & dangerous; PBO)
Leiber, Fritz
The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich (trade paperback reprint; Lovecraftian horror & cosmic dread)
Lumley, Brian
Maze of Worlds (after humanity earns survival right among galaxy's species, renegade aliens try to turn Earth into breeding ground, Maze of Doors group reassembles to reenter maze)
Marano, Michael
Dawn Song (succubus residing on Boston apartment building roof draws men in as pawns in battle for power between 2 underworld demons; 1st novel)
McMullen, Sean
The Centurion's Empire (Imperial Roman Centurion Vitellan is cursed w/gift of time travel awakens in 21c not in own body & pursued by deadly enemy from past)
Neason, Rebecca
Highlander: Shadow of Obsession (TV tie_in; Duncan MacLeod joins forces w/century_long friend & fellow Immortal Darius to face treachery in the name of Immortal brotherhood; PBO)
Patton, Fiona
The Painter Knight (200 years before Stone Prince , Court Painter/ruler's best friend, Simon, must rescue young heir to Flame from civil war & family power struggle; PBO)
Reichert, Mickey Zucker
Renshai Chronicles 3: The Children of Wrath (Kevral & friends search for shards of shattered Pica Stone to preserve tentative peace between humans & elves, as Colbey & Odin start new war of gods)
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Icehenge (reissue of 1984 book expanding 2 shorter works; mystery surrounding ice sculpture artifact found by supposedly 1st human expedition to Pluto)
Rogers, Mark E
Samurai Cat Goes to Hell (Samurai Cat dies & goes to heaven, but must journey to hell to retrieve his sidekick, Shiro, giving old enemies 1 last chance to get revenge)
Scott, Melissa
The Shapes of their Hearts (computer tape of prophet's brain merged with AI results in Christian icon on_planet, terrorist in computer avatars off_planet, & Anton must stop terrorism without killing God)
Stackpole, Michael A
Battletech 38:Warrior Trilogy 2: Warrior:Riposte (gaming tie_in; Lyran Commonwealth heir_apparent is about to wed Federated Suns' prince, but Warlords of Inner Sphere won't accept resulting peace; PBO)
Stasheff, Christopher
A Wizard in Midgard (Warlock's Son 6; Gar Pike attempts to unify people constantly at war on planet modeled on Norse interpretation of earth)
Tarr, Judith
White Mare's Daughter (prehistory; headstrong young priestess of nomadic band journeys to great city ruled by women, unleashing violent culture clash)
Womack, Jack
Ambient 2 & 3: Terraplane; Heathern (reprints; 21c spy & hitman visit alternate 1939 NY to kidnap superscientist for megacorp; corp finds Messiah to supply world, but he won't cooperate)
Andreadis, Athena, Ph.D.
The Biolody of Star Trek (expert in biochemistry and molecular biology discusses which of Star Trek's life-related phenomena are feasible)
Ashley, Mike_ed
The Mammoth Book of Arthurian Legends (anthology incl Yolen, Belloc, Tremayne, Wodehouse, Steinbeck, Stableford, Karr, Lee, more)
Dunnett, Dorothy
Caprice & Rondo ( House of Niccolo 7; merchant_adventurer Nicholas de Fleury exiles self to 15c Danzig after ruining family & assoc, but past catches up, demands more)
Gardner, Craig Shaw
Spider_Man: Wanted Dead or Alive (media tie_in; Spidey's framed for murder & he must prove businessman's manipulating him, mayoral race to control Mob, but then Electro & Rhino show up)
Greenwald, Jeff
Future Perfect: The Global Impact of Star Trek (non_fiction; cultural impact, work tour of trekdom, behind_scenes look, interviews w/actors, producers, writers, crew, Vonnegut, Clarke, Dalai Lama, more)
Griffith, Nicola/Pagel, Stephen_eds
Bending the Landscape Vol 1: Science Fiction (anthology of original gay & lesbian stories by gay & straight writers incl Tiedemann, Sheffield, Richerson, Hartman, Kress, Duchamp, Sperry, Klages, more)
Lee, Tanith
Secret Books of Venus 1: Faces Under Water (18c Venice Carnival turns deadly when Furian finds Apollo mask in canal hiding sinister art leading to black magic, alchemy & murder_society)
McCaffrey, Anne
Freedom's Challenge (Kris Bjornson, Botany settlers, varied rebels join to take stolen ship of arms, grain to aid enslaved Earth's resistance against Eosi & Cattani enforcers; we're supposed to get some signed copies)